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Vonda Smith
Instructional Assistant II
Fruitland Primary School
Bria Smith
Instructional Assistant - SPED
Fruitland Primary School
Shayn Smith
Art Teacher
Fruitland Primary School
Malcolm Smith
Building Service Manager I
Fruitland Primary School
Linda Stanley
Kindergarten Teacher
Fruitland Primary School
Jennifer Talbot
Instructional Assistant - 1 On 1
Fruitland Primary School
Lillian Taylor
Food Service Worker
Fruitland Primary School
Julie Thompsen
Instructional Assistant II
Fruitland Primary School
Naomi Trump
Grade 1 Teacher
Fruitland Primary School
Brittany Underwood
ESOL Teacher
Fruitland Primary School
Kristin Vance
Pre-K Teacher
Fruitland Primary School
Mallory Wainwright
Guidance Counselor
Fruitland Primary School
Charles Walter
Physical Education Teacher
Fruitland Primary School
Talise Ward
Instructional Assistant - SPED
Fruitland Primary School
Ne Kea Watson
Instructional Assistant - 1 On 1
Fruitland Primary School
Benita Watson
Food Service Manager I
Fruitland Primary School
Tara Woytowitz
Grade 2 Teacher
Fruitland Primary School
Karen Wynter
Instructional Assistant I
Fruitland Primary School